
We meet each week as a body of believers for Sunday Worship. At the moment, we are still meeting online (on the last Sunday of the month), and in person on other weeks. If you haven’t attended a gathering the previous week, or are unsure, you are advised to check.



This is a short Family Gathering, held as a Zoom meeting.

These happen at 11am. Connection details can be found at the “online” link below.


These gatherings typically last around 1hr and include Worship, Prayer and a Message - much like a normal gathering except you can sit in your own house (or in fact, take part from anywhere you have an internet or telephone connection)!

There is also usually time for fellowship before and after. If you’ve not been, come along and try it.



This is a short, traditional service in the Church Building at 10:15am. The service includes traditional hymns, prayer and a short message, and usually lasts around 45 minutes.


These services are streamed live to our youtube channel, and can be watched live, or at any time afterwards. You can also catch up on the message via our weekly Reflections podcast.



This is a more informal Family Gathering, usually held in the Church Centre at 11:30am. Gatherings include contemporary worship, including children’s worship, prayers, children’s and all-age messages, and last around an hour.


These gatherings are streamed live to our youtube channel, and can be watched live, or at any time afterwards.



We usually celebrate Communion four times per year at the traditional service, and monthly (first Sunday of the month) at Connections. Due to COVID restrictions however, we’ve been celebrating Communion together monthly on the Zoom Service.



As well as typical Sunday Morning Worship, there are a number of special seasons and days in the Church Year that we like to celebrate. On this page, you may find details of upcoming events and how we will celebrate.