We aim to livestream most of our gatherings.
10am Sunday Services from the Kirk are available each week.
Our 11am Connections family gathering from the Church Centre is usually available. NB This gathering does not take place on the last Sunday of the month.
These gatherings can be viewed below when live, and you can catch up with the latest recordings at other times - or visit our youtube channel to see all our videos and livestreams.
Messy Church is not livestreamed.
We know not everyone can attend our gatherings every week, so we have made Kirk Reflections around your busy life.
We’ve added the Kirk Conversations to help our members and others to see how we connect with the wider community and they with us.
As we adapt into a new way of Church, you can listen to the audio as you walk the dog, potter in the garden or drive to the shops.
You can listen to our latest podcast here, or visit our Spotify account to see all.