We meet each week as a body of believers for Sunday Worship.
Most weeks, we have two gatherings on Sunday morning (traditional service in the Kirk, and an informal family celebration in the Church Centre), but on the last Sunday of the month, things are a bit different - we meet in the Kirk in the Morning, and in the Church Centre in the afternoon for Messy Church.
If you haven’t attended a gathering the previous week, or are unsure, you are advised to check online for times and locations of our gatherings.
This is generally the last Sunday of each month, where we focus on families and fellowship.
We don’t meet for our usual service in the Kirk nor Connections gathering on Family Sundays. Instead, we have a 10am Family Gathering in the Kirk, and Messy Church in the Church Centre at 4:00pm.
This is a short, traditional service in the Church Building at 10:00. The service includes traditional hymns, prayer and a short message, and usually lasts around 45 minutes.
These services are usually streamed live to our youtube channel, and can be watched live, or at any time afterwards. You can also catch up on the message via our weekly Reflections podcast.
This is a more informal Family Gathering, usually held in the Church Centre at 11:00. “Connections” lasts around an hour and offers a more relaxed and modern style of Church celebration, including contemporary worship, prayers, all-age messages, and some interactive and/or group discussion elements.
Young people are important to us and are encouraged to participate and take a lead in these gatherings, but also have the option of “Breakout Room” activities running alongside the main Gathering.
These gatherings are usually streamed live to our youtube channel, and can be watched live, or at any time afterwards. You can also catch up on the message via our weekly Reflections podcast.
We usually celebrate Communion four times per year. This usually happens at both gatherings on the same Sunday.
As well as typical Sunday Morning Worship, there are a number of special seasons and days in the Church Year that we like to celebrate. Look out for details of upcoming or recent events and how we will celebrate.