Here at Kirkliston Parish Church, we value the importance of family - whether that be immediate family, wider family or church family.
We want to break with the notion of doing things that we’ve always done just because we’ve always done it that way, and allow an opportunity for corporate and personal renewal, and provide some space in busy schedules for family, while staying connected to the wider Church Family. To that end, the last Sunday of each month is a bit different.
On Family Sundays, we won’t have our usual Connections Family Gathering in the Church Centre. Instead, we’d love to encourage you to take some time to relax with your own family or to renew or make new connections with others. And remember, you can always catch up on the message via the Kirk Reflections podcast.
Our 10am service in the Kirk will be a Family Gathering. Messy Church meets on Family Sundays at 4pm in the Church Centre.
Church Centre – 4:00pm – 5:30pm
Messy Church is a fresh expression of church for people at all stages of their faith journey and of any age that models and promotes good ways of growing as a family: a nuclear family, an extended family, and a global and local church family.
Messy Church gatherings include a story, crafts and activities, songs and a simple meal.
Weekly Podcast - Sundays from 6pm
We know not everyone can attend our gatherings every week, so we have made Kirk Reflections around your busy life.
As we adapt into a new way of Church, you can listen to the audio as you walk the dog, potter in the garden or drive to the shops.
You can listen to our latest podcast here, or visit our Spotify account to see all.