Our next gathering will be on Friday Evening 21 Feb… get in touch if you’re keen for a chilli or a wee whiskey!

Breakfast & Fellowship
Our Men’s Group started some years ago with a number of us going for a casual Saturday morning cycle ride once a month - followed up by a full cooked breakfast. We have expanded our interests and membership since then, but shared breakfast and informal discussion remains an important part of our fellowship.
We generally meet monthly - usually on the third Saturday morning of the month. We agree our activities in advance, and take turns to organize. We eat together and enjoy fellowship (even eating breakfasting together apart in our own homes while chatting on zoom). Recent activities have included walks, visits and guest speakers.
If you would like to join us on any of our future outings, you will be made most welcome. Please contact us using the button below.
In June, our Kirk Men’s Group enjoyed our first outing since lockdown. The morning went very well and everyone present enjoyed a pleasant walk, and some good conversation.
The morning started off a with breakfast of bacon rolls and drinks al fresco in Abercorn car park, and was followed by a walk from Abercorn Church to Blackness Castle and back, a total of between four and five miles. The walk made all the more interesting by the fact that - unbeknown to us in advance - our chosen route formed part of the course for a Carriage Race. This meant that every four minutes or so, we had to stand aside to let one of the competitors come thundering past, driving one or two horses along the narrow path!