Easter Services

Easter Sunday is on the 20th of  April 2024. This is truly a remarkable time for the Church as we ponder Christ’s sacrifice for all of the world. He gave himself, so we might live and have life in abundance as He conquered death in and through his resurrection.

We have a variety of gatherings from 13 to 20 April 2025 and we’re so excited to welcome you to these!

13 April: Palm Sunday (10:00 & 11:00)

14 April: Reflective Service (19:00) KIRK

15 April: Praise&Prayer (19:00) CENTRE

16 April: Reflective Labyrinth (19:00) CENTRE

17 April: Maundy Thursday (19:00) KIRK

18 April: Good Friday Ecumenical Service (12:00 Dalmeny Kirk)

20 April: Ecumenical Sunrise Service at Cragie’s (06:00): Please register* below to guarantee your bacon roll & coffee!

20 April: Easter Sunday service (10:00)

*We’d like to inform Cragie’s of numbers so they can cater accordingly. A Bacon roll and Filter Coffee will be on offer. This is FREE and covered by the congregations. A donation box and card reader will be at the counter for anyone who wishes to make a contribution.


Do have a blessed EASTER!