Why Prayer?
We believe that prayer is the foundation for our relationship with God. We encourage regular individual and corporate prayer - recognising that it doesn’t matter where we pray, or what words we use but knowing that God hears our earnest desires.
Please check out the resources and initiatives below. If you’d like to know more, would like to be involved in our prayer ministry or would like someone to pray with you, please get in touch.
“Prayer - The sinew that moves the muscle of God” [Summary of Charles Spurgeon quote]
“We must begin to believe that God, in the mystery of prayer, has entrusted us with a force that can move the Heavenly world, and can bring its power down to earth.” [Andrew Murray]
There are many, many quotes about the unique importance and power of prayer. We know that spending time in prayer on our own is a key part of developing a ‘Christ-like’ character within us as disciples of Jesus, our ‘role model’, who spent many hours alone in prayer to His Father.
In his humanity Jesus knew the importance of prayer for seeking God’s direction and developing that vital relationship - so key for Him and for us.
We also know that there is a special dynamic, a spiritual and supernatural dynamic, when Christians come together to pray – and to pray in unity. Psalm 133 reminds us that when we do that, ‘God commands His blessing’ [emphasis added].
We are encouraged to persevere, to ‘keep on asking, keep on seeking, keep on knocking’ because Father God hears every prayer and He will answer – in his own way and in His own time. As Scripture reminds us often – perseverance builds character!
So even though it may seem that week after week, month after month we are praying for the same things, we do not give up, we do not lose heart, because each week, each month brings us closer to the answer.
We have a weekly prayer meeting on Tuesday evenings from 19:30 - 20:30 (please check the calendar or agenda page to be sure). If you have not joined us before, why not give it a try? You will be very welcome even if you can only come occasionally, or only for part of the time.
These meetings are currently taking place on Zoom. Click the button below to join.
Join in monthly prayer-walking some of our streets, praying blessings over homes, shops and businesses.
We meet at the Church Centre at 10am, prayer-walk for approx 1 hour in groups of two or three, then come together again for a short review. If weather conditions are poor, we pray indoors.
The trypraying booklet is a 7-day prayer guide to help those who are not religious begin to discover that God is here and is listening!
Why not pick one up at church to carry with you? Even better, ” use it and lose it” – pass it on to a friend or neighbour who might not be in the habit of praying.
Pray for Scotland exists to promote and support prayer for every aspect of our nation. We believe “prayer changes things” and that “God hears and answers our prayers”.
To keep in touch with what God is doing in Scotland and find up to date prayer topics, visit their site.
Inspired by the worldwide 24/7 prayer network started some years ago by Pete Greig, we have 24 hour prayer sessions several times a year.
If you are interested in getting involved, please get in touch with us. Further details on the 24-7 Prayer initiative can be found on their site.