Whether you are a church member who wants to continue to give your regular offering to your own congregation or a friend to the Church who is moved to contribute for the good of your community, we want to help you support the Church in whichever way you feel led.
You can make a donation in one of two ways:
1.) Set up a direct debit order (Bank details below)
Kirkliston Parish Church
General Account: 0018 5079
Sort code: 83-28-37
2.) Alternatively you can choose to give a one-off donation or donate every month through the Church of Scotland website.
Please follow this Church of Scotland link below to see a full description of the new online donations system engineered to ensure continued support of what we do right now and in the future.
A donation from you can help support the Church’s work in the Kirkliston area (or elsewhere if chosen) and ensure the Church is sufficiently equipped and resourced to face these challenging times.
If you are a UK tax payer, please consider adding Gift Aid to your donations - this really does increase your giving!