Be Still
We’ve started a new study series on Prayer. The messages in our weekly gatherings, the children’s material will cover prayer, and our Life Groups will study the Be Still series by 24-7 prayer.
Prayer helps us to connect with God reminding us that He’s right there, next to us in the passenger seat.
Jesus prayed regularly. It was an integral part of His ministry. He made it a priority to spend time talking to his Father. It was a source of encouragement and strength for him – especially during times of darkness it kept him focused on God’s love for him.
As a congregation we are serious about prayer. We need to make it a priority and for this reason we’ll be spending the next 5 weeks exploring what PRAYER is all about.
You are most welcome to join any of our weekly gatherings, or weekly prayer meetings. You are also welcome to join one of our life groups - even if just for this series.
If you’d like more information, please contact us.